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New Chair of the Board of Directors

Jewel Edwards

Windermere High School Congratulates Jewel Edwards on her position as the new Chair of the Board of Directors of Windermere High School. We are grateful to have you seated in this positions.

A message from Jewel Edwards:

“I am humbled to be just appointed as Chair of the Board of Directors for the prestigious Windermere High School, a private boarding school established since 1967, offering quality education in a Christian environment – my alma mater. When I graduated from Windermere as valedictorian in May 1985, I had no idea that God would call me to serve my alma mater at this level with an amazing Board, team, faculty, PTA, Alumni from around the world, parents, our supporters, allies, friends of WHS, our wonderful island. My closing remarks of my valedictory speech were: “I will serve God, help to make a difference in the lives of others and make this world a better place, knowing and believing that, “If I can help somebody as I travel along, then my living shall not be in vain.” But God.I request your prayers and support as we seek God for guidance, wisdom to move the needle forward to make Windermere High School one of the leading holistic Christian institutions of higher learning in the Bahamas and this hemisphere. I believe in synergy and collaboration. We welcome your input. We are stronger together!Eleuthera let’s go! Calling all alumni, friends of WHS, former faculty, all hands on deck… let us arise and rebuild Windermere High School.I maintain: It takes a village. We need all hands on deck. I believe in our young people, our youth, our next generation of leaders.Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family. – Kofi AnnanMay God guide our team. I am yielded totally to God and in total submission to Him.Thank you Ms. Hermanns, Dr. Gibson, Ms. Sandra Gibson, Dr. McCartney, Mr. Schrag, Ms. Ferguson and the Board of Directors for your confidence in me to help lead the road ahead. So appreciative to those who have gone before and have paved the way.Windermere High School: Founded on the Rock.To whom much is given, much is required. I endorse and promote transformational servant leadership: transparency, accountability, integrity, collaboration, teamwork, good governance.Prayerful. Focused. Ready to go.Please spread the word: WINDERMERE HIGH SCHOOL IS OPEN!”

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