Savannah Sound, Eleuthera, The Bahamas
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Remembering Ms. Edna Rosetta Gibson

THANK YOU, MS. ROSIE GIBSON – Remembering and saluting veteran educator, icon, nationalist, community, church leader: Ms. Rosetta Gibson. Heartfelt condolences to her family, Windermere High School family, and the wider Bahamas. Ms. Gibson was a nationalist to the core; she was committed to the advancement of education, her beloved island, young people, her church. She was always gracious and respectful to me. She always believed in me. As principal, she always warmly welcomed me to Windermere High School and frequently invited to speak to chapel, to various events, Spiritual Emphasis and to be a part of activities at my alma mater, WHS. She wanted the best for WHS.
I will never forget our many talks; I recall the many times she’d say “Jewel we have to keep Windermere open, do what you could do.” We had mutual honour and respect for each other.
I celebrate a great woman of God, an outstanding Bahamian; I celebrate an exemplary Eleutheran. 
I assure you, Ms. Gibson, as long as I am alive I will continue to promote, support and do what I can do to keep Windermere High School open.

Thank you for your invaluable contributions. 
Well done, Ms. Gibson. 
May her soul Rest In Peace.

Paying Tribute to Ms. Gibson

Saying Farewell to Ms. Gibson

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